Yesterday we announced the launch of our First Community Quest on Discord Reminding you of this great initiative, here are the d

28 Mar 2023, 11:35
Yesterday we announced the launch of our First Community Quest on Discord 🎉Reminding you of this great initiative, here are the details & how to participate👇🏻 Quest: Write a thread about the decentralized crypto casino landscape. Requirements: -A presentation of 5 projects -Explain each project in 3 tweets -Mention 0xBets -Create a structured thread, add emojis/images -Tag 10 influencers who posted threads on this topic -Your own writing, no copy/paste -Min. of 18 tweets: 1 intro-tweet, 3 x 5 tweets introducing each project, 1 tweet introducing 0xBets,1concluding tweet, Tag 10 influencers. We'll post the thread on MVX_Intern 🤩 Need inspiration? , Check out this thread Rewards for this quest range from $50 to $150, depending on the quality of the thread & Twitter Engagement 🎁 *We reserve the right to refuse entries if the proposed threads are not of sufficient quality* Deadline: 01/04, 12:59pm UTC Where: